
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Way to Start Your Day

All hail early risers... (or wannabes)!  You know what they say, “the early bird gets the worm,” so, why not make the best of your day and get up early with the other movers and shakers?  I’m sure you’ve heard the countless studies linking early risers to health and success—so, why argue statistics?  Just roll with it!  There are never enough hours in the day but if you start early, you find the ability to accomplish more than you've ever known!

Okay, off my soap box.  I get up around 6am every workday, whether I feel like it or not.  Luckily, my boyfriend rises at just about the time (if not earlier), so there is some motivation to get up and get moving.  I make myself a piping hot cup of coffee, knock off small chores around house… relax on the couch, admire the awakening city skyline and bust out my laptop for a good read.  I always look forward to my morning reading routine.  Without coffee, none of this would happen before 8am, I ensure you.

I read all sorts of material: fashion blogs, trending news, career oriented articles, industry/trade publications … pretty much anything that will capture my attention early in the morning (it really varies day to day)!  

Just this week, I signed up for theSkimm, after reading a write-up about the company in Fast Company.  TheSkimm delivers news to your email inbox every morning condensing major headlines into a manageable one-page brief.   TheSkimm entered the marketplace aiming to create a better news experience for busy professionals, particularly millennial women.  I guess I fit that demo!

Note: theSkimm isn’t for all.  Some might even find the one-page daily news feed non-educational, lacking of substance or even just downright “unprofessional”.  I admit the tone of the content is written in non-formal, millennial-speak; but, I love the creativity and voice of the editorial.  TheSkimm is exactly what they proclaim: they do the reading (across subject and party lines) and break the news down with fresh editorial content.  It’s kind of like having your best friend fill you in on current events over coffee.

Save those extra zzz’s for the weekend.  Get up early and subscribe to theSkimm

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