
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Minty Fresh

Trend alert.

Mint, duh!  Big shock, huh?   

If you even have the slightest bit of a pulse you know the intensity of the mint trend.  Truthfully, it is hard to ignore the color’s popularity and it’s even harder not to fall absolutely in love with.  Who could resist the temptation of such a nostalgic hue?  I immediately think of mint chocolate chip ice cream and it is a color that makes me feel happy, refreshed and youthful!

Whether the color be as household decoration, painted on fingernails or hanging in the closet; my hope is that this trendy color will take some time and stay a while.  If you haven’t yet acknowledged or been made aware of this growing trend, all you need to do is search “mint” in Pinterest and you will be exponentially inspired.  From mint housewares to mint colored macaroons . . . it’s all there! I’m astonished by all of the creative ways the color is being used and I look forward to finding a fun opportunity to incorporate the color mint into my life!

What spring colors inspire you?

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    I'm not sure if this is very 'springy' - but I'm loving jewel tones. My absolute favorite color is dark purple - It makes a statement but is also very soothing - and personally, I think it looks great on everyone!

    I'm also really loving gray and yellow lately - looks great on furniture!

    Jordan (Jane)
